We get it. Overwhelm sucks.
Around Staffless Practice Academy we call it Full Plate Mania. It can make or break our experience. We move through the world wearing a lot of hats, and we want to make sure that under those hats you have a peaceful, happy mind. Get out of overwhelm friend and watch your world change! Take a minute to review the last 24 hours— how many situations did you react to (as opposed to respond to)? How many important tasks did you forget? What moving pieces of your busy life did you misguide due to your current state of overwhelm? It's time for change and this is just the tool to get you started. Move through all of the steps of this guide to end up in a much more peaceful, productive place. Find the download below. This is a PEN-TO-PAPER training, only watch when you have an HOUR to process, listen, and write! |