I think of all of the things that have come up when it comes to running a practice without staff - finding the right programs has been the biggest energy sucker. The problem is …once you get into the program you find, like a new car, or a shiny toy, you start to learn how it works well or doesn't work well. You learn all of its nuances and hiccups, and you may just find that you've just wasted another 20 hours diving into a program that is not going to get you what you want. I found that there are a few key programs that make my life easier and streamlined as possible. Sometimes they work together - other times they don't. When we’re planning to run a practice without staff (or with staff who only does what they're great at doing), it's essential that we have the right tools. These days, efficiency is everything. These days, the whole world is running online. These days, having the right programs to organize, streamline, and automate as much as possible is essential and imperative. (Check out the Facebook Group if you want to know more!) It's kind of like essential workers, right? These programs are our essential workers. If we don't have a team, our programs are our essential workers. I talk a lot about the four options when a task is put in front of you:
The goal is always to protect your time, money, and energy (most important). If you don't have the right programs in place, you're out of luck. I'm always happy to learn about new programs. So, please be sure to share with me and the community if there are any programs we won’t want to go another moment without. I did a training on my favorite Online Tools - check it out here - all about having the right resources for Staffless Efficiency! 👇
It's no secret that things can get pretty overwhelming when you're running a front desk and meeting with clients without staff present. There's definitely a sweet spot to finding balance in all of it. I use telehealth sessions as an initial HEY with a lot of my new clients. I get to connect with them and make sure that my office is a fit, quickly and privately - with all of the right admin pieces in front of me. Back to the sweet spot: for me, a lot of times, it just means having the right list in front of me to lean on. I get so overwhelmed in the moment because I care so much about my clients. I get so into their story and how I can help them, and I have these moments where excitement and overwhelm take over, and I forget what I'm supposed to be doing administratively. If I don't want that to happen, and I want to prepare myself for success with every meeting, I have to have a good list in front of me. In my world, the checklist is the anchor to making sure that all of my I's are dotted and T's crossed. When it comes to a checklist for a new client, especially a new client who's meeting me in a telehealth call, there are so many variables that I have to keep in mind. Telehealths can be tricky - as there is no physical connection with the client. I'm literally trying to connect with them, looking at them through a screen. So, it's one more barrier to have to work through when connecting with my new clients. If I have a checklist reminding me of all of the things that I need to get done during that meeting, I'm good. If I have a checklist saying, Jodi, don't forget to tell them about our late policy, or payment, or what to do if their child is sick, or if they're wanting to bring in another family member, all of those things need attention because each one of them is a whole world of detail that needs to be addressed. The checklist is my go-to place for sanity in the excitement of the moments in practice. My practice is very exciting, and I never know when that excitement is going to hit me. I want to be prepared so that I can get hit left and right with excitement because that's truly where I find joy in practice. As long as I'm standing on the foundation of organization, I'm good to go! Take some time this week to create the checklists that you need to keep yourself centered and organized - no matter what practice and life has in store for you in the important moments with new clients.. Check out THIS SHARE I offered in our Facebook Group on the the importance of these telehealth sessions (as I see them). When you are running it all solo - and you need to protect your time/energy flow, this tool could be a game-changer! Click the video below to find out more. 👇 |