Okay my friends, let's talk about boundaries. Boundaries are 100% the ticket to keeping everything in check if you're running a practice without staff. Even more so if you decide to hire a team when you're ready. Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle, from top to bottom. On the left side, write out the following words in a list:
You now have in front of you a worksheet that can take you so far. The idea is that with everything we do, and every choice we make for our practice and for our lives, we’re: Respecting our time, energy, and money. Protecting our time, energy and money. Supporting our time, energy and money. Time may be the time that we spend in the office, outside of the office, with patients, planning for patients, scheduling demands, personal family demands, rest time, play time, workout time, etc. Energy may be the food that we consume, the attention that we give, the attention that we take, the movements that we choose. It is however energy hits us, or how energy is dispersed in our experience. Money may be the intake of finances, the outpouring of finances, the donations, the payments, the mortgage, the rent, the expenses, the savings, the fun spending, the cash, etc. On the right side of your worksheet, we can talk about how to respect all of these energy resources. First, let's talk about policies. It's so important to have policies around time, energy, and money. What are you okay within your office? What is your bottom line? How do you know when your policies are being disrespected? What do you do when your policies are being disrespected? How do you course correct? Boundaries, in my opinion and in my experience, are an internal process. There's a feeling that happens when a boundary is crossed. Usually my face turns red. I feel like I'm having a hot flash and maybe my stomach does a flip or two. What are the boundaries you need to consider to protect your time, energy, and money? Are these boundaries currently respected? What needs to change? Appreciations are the way that we say thank you to the people in our community, on our team, and in our personal life. How do you say thank you when somebody does a great job? How do you say thank you when you notice the boundaries being respected? How do you say thank you when you experience somebody that went out of their way to course correct and respect one of your policies? Consequences are the antithesis of appreciation. Which action do you choose? What is the next step that needs to be implemented when one of your boundaries or policies is disrespected? Spend some time letting all of these concepts marinate. Spend some time creating your vision for your time, energy, and money. What goes in and what comes out. Then walk through the exercise of creating boundaries, policies, appreciations and consequences for each. You will be amazed at how far this exercise can take you! to visit our Facebook Group often for even more goodness! Check out Dr. Jodi's Staffless Way Training to learn more about how to protect your time/energy/money!👇
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